Blaine Arts Council
January 9, 2024 Annual General Meeting Minutes
Location: Blaine Senior Community Center
BAC Board Members in attendance:
Board President: Margaret Owens
Board Secretary: Dave Sawicki
Board Members: Marilyn Muelbach, Sara Weaver, & Bonnie Ventura
- Welcome / Introduce guests (38 people in attendance)
- Handouts & Financial Reporting
- Committee Needs
- New Gallery Liason & Finance Chair
- 2024 Accomplishments
- Gallery Update
Handouts & Financial Reporting
Policy Handouts
Statement of Values and Conflict of Interest documents were handed out to those in attendance and discussed briefly. Having grown from 52 to 118 Members in 2024, it is necessary to implement guidelines ensure we treat each other and our Blaine community with respect and kindness. A copy of the current By-laws was also handed out to the membership. Both the policies and By-laws are included below meeting minutes.
Financial Report & Profit and Loss Statement
BAC President stated cash on hand as of 1/9/2025 is:
Main account: $13,494.79 | Gallery Account: $3468.77 |
The P&L statement was discussed and there was a desire from Members to know more details of the report.
A motion was made to approve the P&L report. Vote was denied. A second motion was made, seconded, and approved to table further discussion to the end of the meeting. The approved motion requests additional details for both the Gallery and Events section of the P & L. Those details are included below.
As BAC is still searching for a full-time Treasurer, Dave Sawicki announced that he will work to get the details / breakouts as soon as he can, focusing on Gallery and Events. (Note that he has some pending medical issues to take care of so it will be a few weeks before that effort can be started. He said that he will need training in how to navigate our present financial software).
Committee Needs (Membership, Events, & Gallery)
All members were encouraged to seriously consider filling one of these committees, as without these, no progress can be made on these significant areas. The On-line survey also gives an opportunity for Members to express their willingness to help.
Social media: There has been an opening for the social media Committee head member i.e., communications and information. There are two members interested in supporting, but additional conversations are needed.
New Gallery Liaison & Finance Chair
The role of a Gallery Liaison was discussed. Dave Sawicki announced that he has taken on the role. The objectives of the new role are:
Enhance communications between BAC Board and the Gallery Committee
Reduce workload of the Board Chairperson and the Gallery Chairperson
Support the Artists and Community
Ensure effective and timely communications re: artist projects and the Community at large to include advertising and promotion of events and shows.
A copy of the full role description is provided at the end of these Minutes.
2024 Accomplishments
Dave Sawicki reported that the Board is reviewing several options for a fundraiser in 2025. We have received proposals from Semiahmoo Resort (to provide a larger space than we had in 2024 at the Blaine Boat House), rental tents, and tables as of now. We are also considering other, lower cost possibilities. There was a request from the attending Membership that they be involved in the options considerations and the final decision.
Art Festival Marine Park
The general feeling was that the Art Festival, like that which was held in Blaine Marine Park last year, is still likely to be held, as it supports our artists, the community and is generally low cost. Dave Sawicki mentioned that although this was low cost, it did take a considerable amount of volunteer support for tent and sign set up, parking management, trash management, and take down. He thanked those involved last year.
Members were requested to step up to volunteer and mentioned the online survey sent out via email in advance of this Meeting. Volunteer support and involvement is critical to the success of BAC and the Gallery.
Infrastructure Committee
2025 possibilities (public sculptures). Marilyn Muehlbach (Board member & Infrastructure Chair) reported that the committee is beginning discussion to secure more public art in our community. Their goal is to enhance collaboration and sculpture in general. An initial idea is to investigate sculpture in the “round-abouts” in our town. This is a long-term project that will take more discussion.
Events Chair / Committee
The Board has been searching for an Events Committee Chairperson with no success as of today. We need volunteers to make this work. Margaret Owens reported that the City’s goal of an enhanced area in the Blaine Marine Park is at least 2 years out.
Gallery Committee
Faith Worthley announced she stepped down as Gallery Chair, which was effective as of 1/6/2025. She reviewed the successes and challenges of the Art Gallery during these past 6 months of initial operations. The shows have been well-received in the community and our artist’s work was very much appreciated. This was also reinforced by comments from several BAC Members in attendance. She stated a need for better communication between the Gallery Committee and the Board, focusing on promotional activities. She also stated that the amount of work for the Gallery Committee was truly significant and thanked the Committee Members as well as the artists, for their support. Christy Schroeder-Lloyd and Gordon Nealy, intend to step down after the March show is complete, ensuring that the planned shows are successful.
Additional Comments
Diane Berg expressed her concerns that BAC had not been paying the requisite rent / fees for use of the Senior Center, given the new concerns experienced by the Sr. Center. Margaret Owens clarified that the Council had never been asked for payment of any kind, and that all new requirements needed by the City and Senior Center had been met – contract, security deposit, and insurance docs submitted for all of 2024. The monthly agreed fee for use of the Center is $35/meeting, and the payment was paid prior to tonight’s meeting. The Senior Center will provide a door key to access and lock up the Center for the evening, as is the procedure set by the City.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:50 pm.