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Profile / Bio
My first introduction to art? Paint-by-Numbers. But something about a skinny little canvas, one brush and numerous colored capsules told me to look elsewhere for creativity to flow. I can copy and assemble crafty do-dads all day long, but never give me a blank canvas - I will freeze. In my 32 years of teaching, I used opportunities to connect with students by creating instructional visual aids. My classroom was always a graphic buffet – attractive enough to please even the Queen, herself. In between teaching assignments, I enjoyed a period of designing and selling stained class - setting up a tiny shop in central California where I gave classes and produced a few windows for friends. My strengths are still in organization and planning – party anyone? Moving to the PNW 6 years ago, I didn’t really know how my skills would fill slots on my timeline. Perhaps it’s participating in the Blaine Arts Council – let’s give it a go and see what happens?