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I started potting at SUNY Buffalo in 1960, followed by a semester at the Scuola Ceramica in Siena, Italy. In 1971, I took an MFA in ceramics from Suyracuse University, and have been potting, showing and teaching ever since.
Japanese Jomon pottery has had the strongest influence on my work. I am fascinated by volumes and negative spaces, and my pots incorporate a great deal of carving and piercing. Surfaces tend to be textured, or covered with simple, rugged glazes which enhance the form in space.
My pieces are thrown or slab built, with much assembly. Most are planned to be interactive with a process - plants or water emerging from within; light shining through the ceramic space either from inside or captured as shadows from the changing sun.
You can find me online at Stoneware Dreamshells or at bonnie.r.ventura@gmail.com; phone me at 360-224-5169, or make an appointment to visit the studio at 270 9th St, Blaine, WA, to see works in progress.